Full Name
Lauren McMurry
Job Title
Aon Talent Solutions
Speaker Bio
Lauren McMurry is a partner with the Executive Compensation practice at Aon in Connecticut and is the Life Science Market Leader.

For 17 years, Lauren has been working with compensation committees and senior executives in all executive compensation matters. In particular, Lauren assists clients with incentive program designs and assessments; IPO planning; employment, severance, and change-in-control contract and policy reviews; regulatory requirements; and director compensation assessments. Lauren specializes in advising clients in the life sciences industry, including commercial and pre-commercial biotechs, medtech, tools, and diagnostics companies. Lauren has assisted clients in all life cycle phases, from start-up to IPO to mature public company.

Prior to joining Aon, Lauren practiced as an attorney and worked for a major consulting firm advising clients on retirement benefit programs.

Lauren earned a B.S. Management Science from MIT and a J.D. from Rutgers School of Law ΜΆ Newark.
Lauren McMurry