Summit Fee:


Includes access to the welcome reception, three-day event, and meals during the program. Please click here for hotel pricing information.

Due to capacity constraints and an effort to provide a diverse peer group to all attendees, registrations are limited for attendees from each sector type and company. Exceptions are granted to WBL corporate partners as part of their sponsorship benefits.

Cancellation Policy

To protect your investment, WBL strongly encourages registrants to purchase trip or travel insurance via a site such as or similar. These policies run approximately $300 and can cover a registration fee, travel arrangements, and hotel fees.

Our refund policy is on a sliding scale, based on how much we have prepaid for your attendance. If you must cancel your registration, the refund policy is as follows:

  • A cancellation fee of $500 will be charged if canceled on or before Jan. 17, 2025
  • A cancellation fee of $1000 will be charged if canceled on or before Feb. 17, 2025
  • No refunds will be given after Feb. 17, 2025. Name changes/attendee substitutions will be permitted, provided the substitute is a WBL member.



The deadline to cancel hotel reservations is February 18, 2025. No refunds will be given after this date. Please contact if you wish to change or cancel your hotel reservation.